Delight Your Marriage

363-Tough to Teachable to "Truly Unbelievable" - Mick's Transformation Story



(Alliteration is such a... joy--isn't it? :) Hoping that gave you a needed chuckle...   But seriously... Mick's story is GREAT! He is a dynamic, charismatic, and tell-it-straight kinda guy. When his marriage was shallow in terms of connection, emotionally and intimately, he jumped at an opportunity that seemed on target.  Well, the MAIN change was his heart. He shares some particulars on why that was so vital in the outward changes of his marriage. But, he began to realize who God actually is calling him to be as a husband. So... with lots of smiling he shared that they enjoyed (like never before...ever) "full-blown, wholehearted sexual intimacy...truly unbelievable." Mick's transformation is truly awesome. But he really took responsibility. He wasn't interested in waiting to see what happens in his marriage. He was ready to do the work and take 100% responsibility AND accountability for himself. His heart…his change…his commitment to Christ, and then…living it out in his marriage.   Is there hope for you?  Y