
Perfect Mess - Week 4 - Distinctions



RESOURCES: Embracing Complementarianism: Turning Biblical Convictions Into Positive Church Culture - by Graham Beynon & Jane Tooher | Concise Theology - by JI Packer | The Gospel Coalition website: The title   "Perfect Mess" could suggest that things in the Corinthian church were   as bad as they could be, but the opposite is also true. As we study the   2nd half of the letter, we need to remember that Paul was writing to a   group of people who had put their faith in Jesus, who were perfect,   having received the righteousness of Jesus (1: 1 - 9). This term we will cover food sacrificed to idols, right worship,   spiritual gifts and the resurrection. Often compared to listening to  one  side of a telephone conversation, it is not always certain what the   Corinthians were saying or doing. Some issues seem distant and even   irrelevant, while other topics remain modern controversies