1% Better

Denis Collins on Management Styles, Collaborative Influencing and Pacesetting! EP033



Denis Collins is an Renowned Visionary Thought Leader in Business and someone that likes to get things done. He is the CEO Smarter Dynamics, Former IBM Global Executive, Chairman of Smarter Senses (Shine Ireland), and widely acknowledged as a significant contributor to building /shaping the global brand/collaborative model in Munster. He has now been asked to help lead the National Strategy for economic growth in multiple regions via his IDA appointment to Chair IDA RDC (regional development committee). This is just some of the great roles and contributions that Denis has behind him. He's a New Yorker too. We chat about all of this and more during the show. During our conversation, Denis talks about his Primary motivation of bringing together Social and Commercial that leads to greatest impact.We talk about Denis’s background. Coming from New York originally, and his IBM career of over 20 years. When Denis was growing, he wanted to be NYPD cop. Finding a passion for computers, he joined with IBM straight fro