1% Better

1% Better - Ask Me Anything #1 - EP130



1% Better – Ask Me Anything #1 – Episode #130 This is the first AMA (officially) I’ve shared after collecting questions over the last while touching on podcasting, coaching, and some other random ones. Listed below are the questions that I answer so if any of these are of interest and could be helpful, check out this episode. If it’s well received, I’ll look to do another few over the next while as I do have a lot more questions on the list to get through. Do keep sending these in via the feedback page on the site, via social media channels, through email (rob@robofthegreen.ie) or via the Slack 1% Better community (join up to that via this link HERE). If you have questions or interested in podcasting or coaching, get in touch too. Ok. Here are the categories and the questions answers: The Podcasting Questions •How to find guests?•What level of preparation & research do I do? •Best Mic to use starting out? •Best Platform or media hosting used?•How to get the audio sound & volume right?•Podcasts I list