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Shane McCarthy - Marketing Psychology, SEO Strategies & Prioritising Self-Care! – EP148



*Excuse Typos – I tend to write show notes during editing*Shane McCarthy is chief marketing officer for military social media platform Sandboxx. He is originally from Kerry but is now based in the US. I first met Shane in 2011/12 when he was running a student board for IT@Cork and knew he was destined for big things. We connected in late 2019 and talked about Shane’s career and journey so far and to dive into some marketing advice, insights and tips that could be useful to you in your own business. I know I’ve taken away some good stuff from it. Hopefully you do to.A summary of key points covered is below:•Setting up a student board for IT@Cork•The value of volunteering •Studying BIS in UCC – a mix between Business & IT •Finding a passion for social media and how to use it for business value from an early stage •The Psychology of Marketing•Setting up Twitter Hour back in 2012 for IT@Cork•Experimenting with Blogging during College to build his own personal branding•Trial and Error leading to better unders