1% Better

Paidi O'Reilly - 1% Better Live - Innovation, Mindsets, & 7 Year Cycles - EP168



This was the first live in a while and the first where we had a decent audience over zoom.Thanks to all that attended.A brief outline of what we covered below. Enjoy the interview.What was the most recent thing you’ve learned that has been useful?What was your earliest memory?What did / do you want to be when you GROW UP?Growing up, who was your biggest influence?Up to the age of say 18 – is there a standout moment / choice / decision you made – that worked out or regret? What is it?PhD – Higher Ed – Was that a big decision?Innovation:Alexander Osterwalder’s myths of InnovationLearned skill v born innovativeTools that can be used in this area?You and COVID19 – as an innovator, thinker, lecturer,How has this challenged your thinkingHow do you avoid common biases?What has changed for you?MindsetHabits / Practices?What’s not?General Wrap up:What is your superpower?KryptoniteQuestions from audienceConnect with Paidi on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/paidioreilly/