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Self-Esteem, Self-Worth, & How to Shut-up your Inner Critic! Me, mySELF, & EI! Part 9 - EP172



Hi again & welcome to the series on Emotional Intelligence.In this one on Self-Esteem, I cover:0 to 1:30m  - Introduction to what is self-esteem, Inner critic, imposter syndrome1:30 -3:15  - The history of Self-esteem & where the movement began with Nathaniel Branden & Rosenberg3:20 – 5:15 - What is Self-Esteem & the Self-Esteem scale – made up of Self-Efficacy and self-respect – tied to self-worth!5:15 – 14:15 - Self-Esteem Theories, Maslow Hierarchy of Needs & the Inner Voice14:15 – 17:00 - Where does self-esteem come from?17:00 – 19:00 - Why is Self-Esteem important?19:00 – 20:30 - What is the difference between Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence?20:30 – 24:15 - Theories on Self-Esteem24:15 – 27:00 - Examples of Low & High Self-Esteem27:00 – 33:30 - 7 Benefits of Self-Esteem33:30 – 39:00 - Self-Esteem and the Pathological Critic39:00 – 56:00 How to develop and overcome low Self-Esteem56:10 – End - How to measure Self-Esteem Books & references mentioned:Emotional Intelligence – by D