1% Better

Jeffrey Lipsius - Natural Learning, Asking Powerful Questions, & Playing the Inner Game! - EP176



I recently read the book ‘The Inner Game of Tennis’ by Tim Gallwey. It had been on my list for a while. It wasn’t just to improve my tennis game, it was to see what the principles were about. To understand what nuggets were in this book that’s been around for 30+ years yet still holds true. I wasn’t disappointed. Around the time of reading it, and posting some insights from it, Jeffrey Lipsius connected in. He’s been using the approaches from the book not just for improving his Tennis game but to become a better sales person. He’s been so successful with this that he’s wrote a book about it, and set up his own program to teach others how to be an Inner game Sales expert. He’s been working with Tim on this over the last few years and it continues to gain momentum. In this episode, we cover a lot. Here is a summary of the points discussed. Listen to the full show for more details.•Who is Jeffery Lipsius •Career journey – started this journey as a tennis player in college•How the Inner Game of Tennis became a fo