1% Better

Nirbhasa Magee & The 3100 Mile Race to Transcend Self - The 2020 Version - EP188



1% Better – 3100 Miles Around a Park in Salzburg – Nirbhasa Magee Returns – EP188Last year I talked with Nirbhasa Magee about his experience running the 3100-mile race in New York. Full details of that below. This year, he’s running again. Only now, it’s in Salzburg. We caught up last week while he was running! Have a listen and be sure to check out EP133 from last year to learn more! Enjoy!I recently found an article on the BBC website about a 3100-mile race that happens every year. It’s called a run to self-transcendence and as someone that is very intrigued in self-development, I wanted to learn more. And hopefully talk with one of the runners that attempted and, maybe even, completed it. Not only did I manage to find one, he’s also a fellow Irishman. His name is Nirbhasa Magee and his the guest for this episode. Nirbhasa has been a meditation practitioner since his late teens/early twenties and through his practice, started to go for short runs with friends from the meditation group (Sri Chinmoys) he’s pa