Dead Beat Film Society

154 - Chinatown (1974)



Forget about it Jake, it's the DBFS! Join the DBFS as we discuss Jack Nicholson (with impressions!), Faye Dunaway's alien beauty, John Huston, the infamous Roman Polanski, 11 Academy award nominations, Chinatown neighborhoods, The 2 Jakes sequel, neo-noir, the big reveal, water as a symbol, a civics lesson in urban water rights, the purpose of the nose bandage, separating art from the artist, eyebrows, eerie similarities between this story and real life, trifecta of Hollywood rapists, legally removing an artist from their work, racism, good fashion, the Albacore Club, noir tropes, Jack Nicholson's real life sister/mother, the police used as a tool of the elite to maintain power, surviving the Holocaust, Charles Manson, and replacing Woody Allen with a hologram! So pour a nice tall glass of water and smash play for an in depth Chinatown film analysis! (Special Guest: Sarah Romano Diehl) Click here to checkout Sarah's comics!