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158 - Simply Sugar Free with Sue Brown



In today's episode I talk with Sue Brown about her story and book, "Simply Sugar Free: Six Simple Steps to Conquer Sugar Addiction." Sue lost 52 pounds in 52 weeks when she was 52 by going Simply Sugar Free. Which is her code phrase for unraveling her lifelong sugar addiction. Sue has always known that her weight problem was in her head, not her body. That sugar delivered great "highs" and moments of intense clarity and inspiration - and comfort. As a child at breakfast, she heaped sugar on Frosted Flakes and washed it all down with Tang. After all, if it was good enough for astronauts it must be good enough for her. At lunch she shunned cold cuts for PB&J on Wonder bread. Dinner was usually mac & cheese or spaghetti. That's a 100% carb day, recipe for an epic fail. But that's what she wanted. What she craved. Her hard-working but poor single mother was doing the best she could, unwittingly caught in the trap between a sugar-craving child and a food industry that was (and still is ... ) happy to accom