Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street

Miracle Minutes: What Miracles Await You?



The Angel Healer Immersive Retreat is coming up – November 3rd, 4th & 5th!  During this 3-Day experience you will begin to heal and release the “sticky cobweb” parts of you that are holding you in a pattern of sameness; the physical and/or emotional pains, past traumas, generational wounds and old belief systems that are no longer serving you. Release, reveal, feel- heal. Through 3 days of Divine teachings, meditations to the heavenly realm, direct communication with your Angels, personalized readings, sound healings, high vibrational vegan foods and the Angel Healer attunement ceremony you will imprint a new vibration and frequency within your physical and energetic body that will open you to a whole new world of upleveled possibility. Come as yourself, ready to be nurtured, loved on, cared for and elevated! Spaces are filling up quickly, register now to secure your seat in this life-changing experience. — Welcome back to another episode of Angels Don’t Lie! This i