Superwomen With Rebecca Minkoff

To Double Back or Double Down: Shannon Watts Works to End Gun Violence in America



Please be aware, this episode contains discussion of gun violence and suicide as it pertains to adults, children and teens. It may be surprising to learn that among national polls, 90% of Americans favor stronger gun laws that require background checks before any gun sale takes place. Even 80% of gun owners and 70% of NRA members agree. Why, then, does it seem like gun control is such a polarizing issue? When Shannon Watts watched the events of the Sandy Hook shooting unfold, and the consequent response that more guns were the answer, she knew in her gut that something had to change. Inspired by Mothers Against Drunk Driving, she founded Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. For far too long gun lobbyists have influenced politicians to make laws that favor the quick and easy access that essentially equates to more gun sales annually. Shannon’s organization, which has chapters in every state, continues its work to ensure that the 400 million guns in this country are subject to laws that keep citizens as