Entrepreneur Junkie Movement With Jamie Atkinson

EJM 49: The Good, The Bad, & The Partnership ☠️ With Daxy Perez



EJM 49: The Good, The Bad, & The Partnership ☠️ With Daxy Perez On this 3-Part Interview, we are joined by our guest, Daxy Perez. Daxy works as a podcast manager. He and his team helped Internet Entrepreneurs to create a voice on their price and services and build deeper and meaningful relationships with their clients, customers, etc. through the use of podcasting. On this episode, Daxy will talk about his partnership including with Ryan Helms and what are the differences between him and Ryan and how they deal with problems with Partnerships. He will also discuss the uncertainty of ideas for business partners and why podcasting is really important for him. You can find this interview, and many more, by subscribing to the https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/entrepreneur-junkie-movement-with-jamie-atkinson/id1456194303 ( Entrepreneur Junkie Movement Podcast on iTunes.) If you don’t use iTunes, you can https://www.entrepreneurjunkie.co/home (listen to every episode by clicking here). Make sure to head to h