Dead Beat Film Society

153 - An American Werewolf In London (1981)



Oi guvnuh wots all this then?! Join the DBFS as we talk werewolves, John Landis too horny, horror comedy movies, Rick Baker special effects, 80's horror flicks, commentary on the 80's economic collapse, US vs. England, werewolves in other cities, otherness, metaphor of monsters, foggy old London town, Jewish commentary, top werewolf movies (or lack thereof), the deleted toast eating scene, his fun zombie friend, the tragic ending, the deviant in polite society, 5 pointed star, feeling like you don't belong, the beast within, lycanthropy mythology, too much face, the famous transformation scene, forgiveness of horror fans, halloween, gore, the porno they made just for this movie, goofy werewolf faces, and tell direcors to stop showing your monster so much for an in depth American Werewolf in London film analysis! Click here to subscribe to Dead Beat Film Society podcast and please leave us a review!