Podcast Talent Coach

Ken Williams' Business Process – Episode 410



Do you have a business process to monetize your podcast? It won't happen by chance. You can't wander into business. Let me show you the four steps to create a business with your podcast. NO ADS Many podcasters hope to monetize their podcast with ads or sponsorships. This is the worst possible idea. It takes many, many hours to find sponsors and sell ads. Radio stations have full teams of 18 people working 40 hours a week selling ads. You don't have that kind of time. There are only so many ads you could possibly place on your show. Therefore, there is a ceiling to the amount of revenue you can generate. That is no way to run a business. Finally, people are fleeing traditional media to get away from ads. How frustrated to you get when you need to watch a commercial before your YouTube video? Don't clutter your show and upset your listeners. Instead, build a business by selling your own goods and services. Then, use your podcast to attract clients. PODCAST PROFITS FRAMEWORK There are four steps to the Podcast P