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EP85: ♫ #SNESClassic Playlist ♫



This week, we’re celebrating the golden age of 16-bit gaming with a Super Nintendo music playlist episode! The new SNES Classic Edition, out later this year, includes games with some of our all-time favorite soundtracks. In this episode, you’ll hear 11 amazing remixes of the 21 games announced for the SNES Classic.Links to all artists' tracks featured on this episode are at’s your favorite Super Nintendo game, song, or soundtrack? We want to hear from you! Tell us at and we might just read or play your message on our next episode!00:00 Overworld Remix (Super Mario World) by Qumu Music02:40 Corneria Remix (Star Fox) by Qumu Music05:20 Link To The Future (The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past) by James Landino08:30 Onett (Earthbound) by Smooth McGroove feat. Ben Briggs10:56 Ambient Gemini (Donkey Kong Country) by MKVaff14:49 Re