Make It Happen Mondays - B2b Sales Talk With John Barrows

Jonathan Mahan and Jordana Zeldin: How to really “Practice” Sales



Sales is one of the only professions in the world where we’re expected to take a training or read a book and immediately apply what we learned to a real-world scenario without much practice. Most athletes spend over 80% of their time practicing and less than 20% of the time playing the game. Jonathan Mahan and Jordana Zeldin of The Practice Lab discuss with John the difference between practice, role play and memorization and how to structure practice so it makes a real impact on sales rep’s development and results. They also dive into the mentality you need to have for practice to be meaningful and how to teach genuine curiosity which is the super power of great sales reps. an online sales training platform. Jordana says that instead of rote playing and itches, sales professionals should provide "impactful questioning" of prospects, demonstrating "they're authentically curious in the context of a real conversation." Or as Jonathan puts it: “You can't truly sell in an enlightened, effective, top-of-the-li