Career Crashers

DJH 398: What’s the Future of Work?



Companies only exist in the abstract. What exists are people, people who put their pants on in the morning. In your career, how do you make it your intention to connect with people? That and more in this edition of the Daily Job Hunt. Join us for our first live virtual event! Supercharge Your Career in a Sh*t Economy. you won't want to miss it. Want to launch a marketing career, fast? Check out Skillbank. Use code CAREERHACKERS for 20% off tuition. Get The Daily Job Hunt sent to your inbox every day as well as the sign-up bonuses at Can't get enough? Get private video podcasts, private coaching, and private newsletters with Career Hackers bonus content See if UX/UI Design is for you. Learn more about Avocademy and their intro courses. Want to change your life in 10 weeks? Relaunch into a lucrative and meaningful career in tech with Coding Temple. Use code