Life Uncloseted With Rick Clemons

540: Accepting and Loving Yourself To Power Through The Nightmare- J.R. Price



A massive breakup. Moving back in with the parents. Then getting thrown back out of that house. It's enough to make most people give up. But not J.R. Price. He found song, after song, after song to share with the world and turn his nightmare into his music. His inspiring story of accepting and loving yourself in your music and your life is what we are exploring today. About J.R. Grammy-nominated songwriter J.R. Price is out now with his (Nightmare EP), the follow-up to his debut EP, Daydream.   Where Daydream was vibrant, exuberant and full of hope, Nightmare is the opposite.   “My light has been completely depleted,” Price, who has recently sustained a devastating break-up, admits. “When a dream is drained of all its light, it is by very definition a nightmare. The darkness I have felt lately is unlike any of the other things I have been through, because I was given hope first, then had it ripped away.”  To those who say