Eric Roberts Is The Man

Episode 19: Amazing Racer (2009) & Assault on Wall Street (2012) (/w Jon Cross)



On a VERY SPECIAL episode of Eric Roberts is the Man we welcome VERY SPECIAL guest Jon Cross from The After Movie Diner Podcast to talk about two VERY SPECIAL movies. First up is the heartwarming family horse cart racing movie(?!)  AMAZING RACER (aka SHANNON’S RAINBOW) which features Darryl Hannah, Michael Madsen, Louis Gossett Jr., TOM ATKINS, Steve Guttenberg and ERIC ROBERTS. It’s.. uh.. something else.  But that’s not all! We follow that with the inspiring modern classic ASSAULT ON WALL STREET from the gret Uwe Boll, which has Dominic Purcell killing a bunch of Wall Street fat cats because they were indirectly responsible for ruining his life. It’s like THE BIG SHORT on STEROIDS except NOT GOOD. Also, Eric Roberts is there. TUNE IN! As always, check out ERIC ROBERTS IS THE MAN on Twitter, or come chat ER (or anything else) on our Facebook group.    Jon Cross is the celebrated host of The After Movie Diner podcast, which can be found at His latest album (under the name Misc