Staffing & Recruiter Training Podcast

TRP 0082: Everyone is in Sales with Larry Long



Larry Long Jr is the Founder and CEO of LLJR Enterprises, which focuses on sales motivation, inspiration, training & coaching, and is the host of the ‘Midweek Midday Motivational Minute’. He is also Co-Founder and Lead Instructor of The Sales Allies, an online sales training course and supportive community designed to uplift sales professionals. Larry is extremely passionate about coaching, and helping professionals take their game to the 'next level'. As an experienced sales leader with a demonstrated history of success in SaaS sales, Larry brings a unique perspective to the table and understands many of the challenges faced by sales professionals. His areas of experience include Sales Training, Team Development, Leadership, & Motivation within organizations of all stages (start-up to publicly traded). Practicing what he preaches, Larry continuously seeks opportunities to learn & grow. Larry looks forward to assisting your organization.   NOTE: You can watch Larry’s interview on The Rainmaking Podcast at t