The Creative Soul Lab: Creativity|Passion|Success|Fulfillment

Ep 49: The Creativity of Financial Fluency with Jen Turrell



The Creative Soul Lab is a variety show of Shari musings andinterviews with entrepreneurs, thought leaders and everyday successrockstars pulling the curtain back on how their creative spark,passion and individuality fuels the success and fulfillment in lifeand business. If you are looking to have your soul sparked, yourmind expanded and your dreams and possibilities actualized, you'rein the right place. You'll find inspiration, ideas and permissionto fully step into your own unique light and create a life andbusiness you love.  Jen Turrell, coined the financial personal trainer is my gueston today's show.Jen's genius is helping entrepreneurial andself-employed women sort out their cash flow and financial systemsso they can live a more secure, relaxed and fantastic life. We dive into Jen's incredible and diversestory of how she arrived to where she is and how challenges in herlife combined with her inquisitive and problem solving mind helpedher not only master things in her own life but enable her to helpother