Change Your Mindset

S5E40: Mastering Authentic Leadership: The Art of Monotasking and Being Present (Part 2)



“The level of active listening and focus needed to make an informed decision is a true measure of Mono tasking success.” Peter Margaritis In today’s episode, Peter Margaritis continues to break down what it means to master authentic leadership, the art of mono-tasking, and being present. The distractions in our daily lives facilitate us being present because we are usually present with half of our consciousness. Other times we think of a different place we should be or something else we need to think about. He gives insights from different scenarios, like his interview in season 3 and from a Japanese leader from Japan. Improv Leadership is not just about being physically there but internalizing and making decisions from the said words. Listen to this and so much more in the episode; Learn more about your ad choices. Visit