Single To Soulmate Podcast With Johnny And Lara Fernandez

S6EP73: Stop Waiting to Find True Love!



How long until you find your soulmate? Everyone says it’ll just “come to you” when the time is right. But is this really true? You’ve already waited longer than you ever wanted to. Is it really worth waiting more, in hopes that Mr. Right will finally show up? Listen to this episode to hear WHY this ‘method’ doesn’t work for most people and what to do instead to find soulmate love- and soon.   WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - Why waiting for love is bad advice - How to actively ATTRACT love - Why you need to take action NOW   READY TO CHANGE YOUR LOVE LIFE FOR THE BETTER, FOREVER? If you’re ready for the first step towards major transformation & true love at last, head over to to book a FREE 1-on-1 call with Lara herself. She'll assess exactly what's been holding you back in love, how to get what you REALLY want, and if or how we can help you get it as quickly as possible.   ----   Did you enjoy this episode? If so, please let us know by leaving a review