Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

Coffee With Chris - Importance of Coaching



In the spirit of the Olympics, today I'm sharing a story from childhood. I spent a good chunk of my youth training to be in the Olympics. I was downhill slalom skier and competed on a team in Northern California. We were good and we knew it and in full disclosure, I was pretty cocky.I had two incredible ski coaches, Mike Spalding and Chuck Frye. One day, at a competition, Chuck reminded me to take off my jacket before competing and I went against his better judgement. I had been on a big wining streak and I didn't think it would affect my performance. I was cold and I had beaten the guys I was about to race anyway.As I went down the course, I felt slow. When I hit the finish line, I'd lost by a couple of a hundredths of a second. In that moment, I knew I should've listened to my coach. For the first time, I realized the importance of great coaches in my life.In life and business, it's so important to have somebody that's been there to help you along. Every time I do a LifePlan, I talk about the importance of