Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

Chris LoCurto Show - The Quarter Life Crisis



We've got a hot topic on today's show - The Quarter Life Crisis.I see this issue come up a lot in LifePlan and it's serious. You've got younger folks maybe right out of college or even in their thirties asking questions like:"Why am I not happy with my life?""Why don't I have the dream job?""Why am I not making the money I thought I would make?""Why am I so lonely?""Am I going to have to sit in this cubicle for the rest of my life?"In this episode we cover:The causes of a Quarter Life Crisis How to solve it if you are going through itHow to know if you were the cause of a Quarter Life Crisis in you kids (I may step on some toes)How to help someone who is going through a Quarter Life CrisisThis is a reality check let's dive in! Here's the link to this episode on the site: