Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

How To Surround Yourself With Better People



What kind of people do you surround yourself with?You've heard me say you are the sum of your past and your influencers.Well this episode is all about your influencers.What happens when you hang out with the wrong crowd?There are a ton of quotes that articulate this but...they often leave out the reason why.They are incomplete.The real question is: Why are you in a place where you surround yourself with the wrong people?To figure this out you have to understand your root system. Understand "your why".If you don't understand you are hanging out with losers - hmm...that may be your bigger issue.You need people in your life that you can trust. Today's show will help you find those folks. For most of us we need to understand our default.If you've been controlled all your life your default will be to hang out with people who control you.They make you feel like you're not good enough. You need people to tell you what to do.If you are the controlling person, you will surround yourself with other controlling people b