Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

AskChris: Boundaries and Getting a Raise



Today we have two great questions!Steve made a choice to guard who he surrounds himself with.He made clear boundaries.Part of having healthy boundaries is knowing who to surround yourself with.When people are not ready to change…it’s can be difficult but you must continue to be an example for them.If you are not in a place to be a support or example then its difficult to be in that place. And James wants to know how to negotiate a raise if you work in the public sector.Hmm…that’s a tuff one. :-(I dive into both questions and rant a bit about the political season that’s starting to show it’s fangs.So hit play, listen and let me know your thoughts in the comments.Or better yet…leave a question or comment here: question just might end up on the podcast like these listeners!