Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

How Businesses Win At Sales



Do you want to know how businesses win at sales?It's pretty simple...INTEGRITY. Not compromising just to make a buck. Trust me, it will always come back to bite you.I asked Joel to join me on the show to talk a little bit about our sales process and how he focuses on integrity when selling. Here's what Joel and I cover on the show:How to have integrity when sellingJoel's philosophy on servant sellingWhat you usually don't find in sales peopleHow to guide the customer through servingSales techniques vs. Serving TechniquesHow to help people trust youWhat causes someone to break integrity?Do you believe in what you're selling?I believe integrity is critical to growing your sales process. And as the leader it's your job to instill integrity into the DNA of your company culture. Never.Break.Integrity. Question: How have you experienced a lack of integrity in business?