Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

7 Reasons Successful People Have Mentors



Successful people have mentors. Why?Because mentors are one of the best ways to fast track your success and performance.That's the reason I have mentors in every area of my life.If I can learn from the wisdom of someone who's "been there"...I literally can shave years off the learning curve.You've heard me talk about my racing coach and how he coached me to setting a track record.I did mention I set a track record...right?Well, it would have taken a lot longer to reach that goal had he not been coaching me.Now you don't have to have a mentor...You can keep doing life without one but when your limited to just "your" knowledge, you are extremely limited with your options.Successful people understand the value of input.Successful leaders understand that one persons experience is another persons revelation.They understand that the best thing is not always the right thing.And they don't have to be the head of the class.You see, NO ONE reaches success alone. And successful leaders know this.Question: Who was your f