Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

150L Life After LifePlan-Success Stories Part 2


Synopsis have a really good LifePlan, you have to be willing to be vulnerable and open up and share things. One of the biggest things in my life plan that I gained freedom, and I'm able to go forward and have a better life and make better decisions. I think other people are going to have other things that they're going to have freedom from, but it is worth it. Gaining perspective on what has caused me to become this way and what influences have been in my life and how I've gotten to this point of believing the things that I do.With that perspective, I can say, "okay, well I'm not this horrible person for believing these things; this is just how I was trained to be." Now going forward, I know this and I can choose to view things differently. You can't just choose to see things differently when you don't know. I needed LifePlan; I needed to really dig down to the why, to my root system to get that perspective.