Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

153: High Levels of Quality Communication


Synopsis, on the podcast, we are answering a question that came in from one of our listeners.Justin writes, "I have to start with the obvious. Thanks for all that you guys are doing and keep killing it. I know you're always open to suggestions for podcast topics, and yes we are, so I wanted to throw out the idea of doing something high level on communication, and maybe topic in with your top 10 recommended books on communication.I loved your list on the poverty mindset. I know how important you think communication is, and I think most of your listeners could benefit from what you have to say on the topic and from the books you recommend. Thanks again, and keep up the good work."Thank you Justin, we appreciate all of that. I'm going to answer Justin's question but before I do I have created a tool for you to use to help you better communicate.There are some do's and some don'ts of body language when you're communicating effectively. So make sure that you get today's download if yo