Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

155: Autonomy In The Workplace


Synopsis all like to have freedom and independence to be creative and get things done. So as an Entrepreneur, how do you balance that in the workplace and create that great environment? I received a killer question the other day regarding autonomy in the workplace. Here's what Marc had to say:"We hear a lot about what makes a great workplace and I've read several things recently from people that I really respect and one of the things that is often recommended for a great workplace is team members having a sense of autonomy.That's great, but sometimes you have jobs that require a certain way of doing things. For example, we have a situation where we have an inside sales team and we'd like things said a certain way or presented a certain way and so on.We're not asking to read a script verbatim, but feel like we need things done a certain way because these are methods that have been developed over time and have been proven to work, and will ultimately make them more successful.With a s