Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

161: How To Dramatically Transform Your Leadership in 3 Days


Synopsis, I absolutely get it. You started your business or took on a leadership role because you wanted the RESULTS of having a business and leading.Results like:Making good money so you can do what you want in life (i.e. provide for your family, live in a nice house, take vacations when you want, pay for your kid’s college, have solid retirement savings)Have the time and freedom to live your life on your terms (i.e. take time off to spend with your family, work from home if you want, heck…work WHEN you want and WHERE you want) Make a difference in the lives of your team, and use your influence to set direction rather than just take orders (i.e. find more fulfillment in teaching and guiding team members to success, more control of your career and work) It’s the dream, right?But before you knew it, the amount of work on your plate, the running around like a crazy person putting out fires, people drama on your team, and the stress and