Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

How to Lead in a Change-Resistant Culture



"You're going to have to come up with their ideas." bad culture in a business can feel like an uphill, if not impossible, battle. Especially when there are cynics and naysayers resisting change. I was talking with Jim Collins years ago, and his definition of a cynic is..."A hopeful person who's tired of being let down."Here's what you'll discover on today's episode:•How to lead in a change-resistant culture•How to motivate employees when your supervisor has lost hope•The right questions to break your team's negative mindset•How to implement change when the leadership team is stagnant•The questions you have to ask to fix a broken culture•The best approach to combatting cynicism in a leadership team•How to cut through bureaucracy to reach a solution•How to unite leadership teams and third parties, get them "on the same page"•The process of setting goals with multiple areas in your business you want to be on the show and have your question answered by me, it's ea