Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

220: How To Overcome Your Fear (And Its Root Cause)



Fear controls. Fear wants you to lose your strength, not have any courage, believe that you are incapable, that you aren't worthy...aren't good enough.7 Steps To Overcoming Fear [download] : how to look fear in the face, and overcome the root cause for good. Show notes >>> - What fear is [2:05] - How fear immobilizes you, in the most hidden ways [2:28] - The paradigm shift that drives out fear [7:24] - What fear wants you to believe [13:26] - Exercises you can do right now to overcome fear [14:45]Don't let fear hold you back from the thing that is going to make you stronger! Don't let it hold you back from being your authentic self, who God created you to be.Punch it right in the nose.