Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

221: How Good Leaders Deal with Gossip, Conflict, and Accountability on Their Teams



Here's what you can do if you're dealing with conflict, gossip, lack of accountability, or the blame game on a leadership team, or with your colleagues.Full show notes and resources here >> your team gossips [7:47] The two different styles of gossip [8:17] What Personality Styles have to do with gossip [14:00]How to communicate with leaders about gossip, make it their realization [18:10]What to say to shut down gossip in the moment [21:53]Biblical perspective on gossip [30:05]Doing your work as unto the Lord [31:40]How to communicate about accountability and expectation [34:46]How to get results with your communication [38:18]How to "force" culture [45:35]Creating buy-in [47:10]