Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

389: Why I Don't Like Myself Anymore: Getting Unstuck in Life



Today on the podcast we’re talking about what to do when you don’t like the person you see in the mirror. Self-loathing is not a new phenomenon - it’s part of the human condition. All of us have moments of being disgusted with some aspect of ourselves - whether our appearance, attitude, behavior, etc. Besides that, we live in a world that wholesale BINGES on comparison and the result can quite destructive. The good news is that we can dig into our “root-systems”, deal with the skeletons and excess baggage in our closets, uprooting the lies that we tell ourselves, and self-manage to a healthier version of us. Joining me on the podcast today is our very own Joel Fortner! Together, we've led hundreds of people through the Next Level Life process - I'm excited that we get to share from that wealth of knowledge and experience!