Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

405: You Don't Have As Much Willpower As You Might Think



405 | You Don't Have As Much Willpower As You Might ThinkWillpower is a limited resource that’s easily depleted. What can you do to replenish it? What fuels the self-control and gratification centers of the brain?Today on the show, you’ll discover what makes willpower tick, how it gets depleted and what you can do about it! But, consider this as we get started:Learning what my true worth is, learning how to actually handle situations when my worth is tanking, learning how to handle situations when I'm struggling with something, learning the tools to actually walk through those situations. That's what's going to change you, that's what's going to help you.When you lose self-worth, you are way more likely to lose willpower!When you are strong with your self-worth, your willpower is strong.When you know your worth, then you don’t have the same reactions - cognitively - to situations that would normally deplete your willpower.You may not have as much willpower as you might think, but you do have deeper resources