Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

407: Michael Hyatt: Win at Work and Succeed at Life



407 | Guest: Mike Hyatt - Blog & BlastFeeling run-down and tired? Feeling stretched between your obligations at work and home? Can’t seem to find balance between the two? Then, today’s show is for you!“Win at work and succeed at life so you don’t have to throttle back your professional ambition, but you also don’t sacrifice your personal priorities.” - Mike HyattJoining me on The Chris LoCurto Show today is long-time friend and founder of Michael Hyatt & Co, Mr. Mike Hyatt! Today we’re talking about Mike’s new book, Win at Work and Succeed at Life: 5 Principles to Free Yourself From The Cult of Overwork. (2021 Amazon Affiliate Link)Folks, this is what we teach here, in our Next-Level events, our StratPlans, and on this podcast week after week. We teach how putting the spheres of your life into proper order and priority makes sure that what matters most in life stays healthy, protected and productive. “Success has got to be multi-dimensional in order for it to be sustainable.” - Mike HyattListen as Mik