Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

416 | Leading By The Numbers



416 | Managing The Numbers (So They Don’t Manage You)Hey leaders, if you’re not living in your numbers, then what are you basing your decisions on? A lot of leaders tend to shy away from their accounting processes, giving only an occasional glance to the bottom line. It’s tough to make well-informed decisions that affect the overall business without knowing the details of what’s happening in every area. I hear from clients all the time, “Sometimes I don’t want to see the accounting, because I’m scared of where we’re at.” But that’s precisely why you need to be in the financials on a routine basis, making well-informed decisions that are going to set you up for success.Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to managing your numbers and avoiding the pitfalls that so many leaders make. On today’s show, you’ll be empowered to win as I walk you through what you need to do in order to stay at the top of the numbers. Resources & Links:Related media: