Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

418 | Reverse Engineering Your Business Growth



Hey leaders, what comes to mind when you think about growing your business? If you’re like most owners or leaders, then you might think in terms of strategies for increasing revenue, increasing your reach through innovative marketing, or restructuring for increased scalability. Those are great things to think about, but you may be overlooking your most valuable asset: your people.For me, it all started by looking at my leaders and saying, “If I don’t do something to grow you, then you’ll stay exactly where you are.” And that wasn’t acceptable. So then, I started growing people strategically, and by growing people I was able to step out of my day to day and into a higher level of leadership. That’s when real growth started to occur!Here’s the deal: growing your team = growing your business. If you don’t stretch the potential, capacity, and output of those who work directly for you, then you may not be ready for the more traditional “revenue related” growth that most leaders are searching for. Let me share a t