Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

428 | Building Predictability Into Your Personal Finances



Hey folks, who out there has experienced something that you didn’t predict or anticipate financially in the last … oh … say 12-18 months? Ha! I think maybe we all did. 2020 gave the word unprecedented a run for its money!Well, here’s some good news. You can actually start building stability and predictability into your personal finances right now - and it doesn’t require Big Government bailouts or Low Finance loans. Does that sound good to you? Do you want to know how?On today’s episode, we’re going to dig down into some core financial concepts, as well as answer some of the TOP questions about what it takes to be financially sound even in the midst of a crisis - or God forbid - another pandemic. You can literally take steps now, to remain unshaken then. Let me know what you think of today’s episode, just reply to this email with your thoughts and questions!Enjoy today’s episode, Chris