Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

434 | How Challenges Promote Growth Part 2



What’s your knee jerk reaction when facing discomfort or pain? If you’re like most people, it’s to seek to avoid pain and seek comfort. But, that could be the very thing holding you back from growing deeper roots and producing sweeter fruit. It tends to be the hardships in life that either make us or break us. But, focus for a second on that first part. That tough break in life could make all the difference to you achieving the destiny that God has called you to. How is that?Most people don’t understand that uncomfortable challenges are the very things that prepare us for our future. Discomfort is the “training course” of life, and without difficulty and pain we’ll rarely find the opportunity to really grow!This week we continue our discussion of how pain prepares us for our destiny. In particular, you’ll discover three tips on how to respond to and get the most out of discomfort in your life.