Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

435 | How Influence Shapes Character



We talk an awful lot about leadership in-person with our clients and on this podcast, and that’s for good reason. Leadership is a major form of influence in our modern world!As leaders, we’re interested in helping to shape and impact others in a positive way.Think about this as a parent. You exert “influence” on your kids, because you want to train them well and prepare them for life; you want them to have a good future. But, when you think about it, there are many different kinds of influences in our lives. Some are positive and some, well, maybe aren’t so positive.In today's episode, I want to discuss those other influences that are already at work in our lives. What are some of the forces that currently have sway; what’s forming us, our thoughts, our behavior and our character either positively or negatively?P.S. I would love to hear your thoughts on this subject. Feel free to leave a comment on the podcast platform you’re listening from!