Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

471 | How To Stop Seeing Through a Negative Lens



Ever feel like you can’t shake the negativity? Today, we’ll continue our special “How To” mini-series where we’ll deal with a single topic and go as deep as we can in just a few minutes. This time around, how to stop seeing through a negative lens.It’s not just about keeping your chin up and putting on those rose-colored glasses. No, instead, there’s a deeper work that needs to take place. We’re complex creatures, and we tend to take our baggage with us as we move through life. But, you can leave the negativity behind you though, it’s just got to be unpacked a bit first. Breaking free from those self-defeating mindsets starts with recognizing them for what they are, the lies we tell ourselves. Let’s make it a point to not let negativity blind us to the good things that are all around us!