Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

473 | Prioritizing Grace In The Workplace



Have you ever needed grace? If we’re honest, we all have.But, how much is too much, and how far is too far? Especially, when you’re responsible for a team member who just can’t get their act together. I mean, there are limits, right? And, what about accountability?It sounds really black and white, with an easy solution. The truth is that leaders often struggle in the tension between leading others to success and managing a team member’s behavior. This can be a confusing and even emotional distinction to make.To make grace a priority doesn’t mean to sacrifice other values, like excellence, honor, and accountability. However, it means we have to lead at a higher level than most.On today’s episode, find out how you can prioritize grace in the workplace, while leading your team to succeed in business and in life.