Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

481 | How Not To Take Work Home With You



Ever get the feeling that your workload is following you home at the end of the day? It might even take on a presence, like a little lost puppy. And if you decide to feed it, oh geez, you might never get rid of it! Taking your work home from the office can quickly get out of control.Nowadays, it takes discipline and intentionality to separate yourself from your work, especially if your work is done at your home office. I mean, it’s hard to find the boundaries, determine the cut off point, and find space to actually disconnect and rest.Whether or not you have the luxury of a traditional commute to and from your workplace, technology makes it all too easy to blur the lines between the home and office.Meanwhile, your mental and physical health can suffer, relationships get taxed, and stress levels on all sides of the equation can start to rise.Borders and boundaries can be incredibly helpful in identifying where work and home begin and end, but the reality is that these two often overlap. Definition and clarity