Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

485 | Three Rules For Changing Your Financial Trajectory



Feeling stuck or out of control with your finances? You’re not alone. That’s why these three rules for changing your financial trajectory are so important.When you really think about it, what do you imagine is currently holding you back from reaching your desired financial destination? Is it that debt that you just can’t seem to get rid of? Do you feel like you never get the traction that you need towards your goals?Is it that dreaded budget conversation with a spouse or business partner that you just don’t want to have? Don’t let a sense of helplessness or hopelessness keep you from making the changes necessary to change the direction of your finances! Whatever’s holding you back, I promise you that there’s a way through the decision-making maze to get you where you want to go. Sometimes, a little nudge can go a long way towards making that dream a reality. On today’s show, Joel, Brian, and I discuss three rules to help nudge you - or push if necessary - to help you get unstuck and on your way today.Enjoy th